Cortex Prime Hack Database The Cortex Prime Hack Database is a list of fan-made rules, settings, and mods for the Cortex Prime roleplaying game designed by Cam Banks et al. and currently published by Dire Wolf Digital. Use the Search box to search and filter by name/title, genre, or creator. Use the Show toggle at the top to see more or less entries, and the Previous/Next navigation at the bottom to step back or forward. Click the Column Headers to sort ascending/descending. NameGenreCreatorLink1Link2 Animorphs Primehorror, science fiction, spy teenflynnRules Arrowverse Heroic Roleplayingdrama, superheroJeremy ForbingRules Atomic Kung Fu!atompunk, pulp, wuxiaMatt SylviaRulesCharacter File Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of KorrafantasyangilleRules Blood Tithefantasy, horrorJachraRules + Setting Broken Landsfantasy, post-apocalyptic, science fictionOliver 'Kannik' BollmannRules + Setting Children of the Darkfantasy, horror, superheroJeremy Puckett (blackwingedheaven)Rules + Setting Core of Cortex HackanyTim BannockRules coreTEKdrama, mechaangilleRules Cortex Epic Fantasyhigh fantasyangilleRulesCharacter File Cortex Prime FantasyfantasyangilleRules Cortex Prime Supersdrama, superheroTim BannockRulesCharacter File Cortex Wealth & Treasureany, fantasyJeremy ForbingHack Crimson Hopemecha, science fictionDoc DandyRules + Setting (French) DC Comics Heroic Rolelplayingsuperherojosh_from_accountingRules Decent Jokescomedy, metaMournful LeperRules Derailed Primehorror, weird, wild westLynn JonesRules Digimon Primeisekai, monster collecting, animejosh_from_accountingRules Double Cross Primedark, superheroJeremy Puckett (blackwingedheaven)Rules + Setting Dragon Age Primedark, fantasyjosh_from_accountingRules Dragonball Primeanime, superhero, wuxiajosh_from_accountingRules Dramatic Investigative Horrorcosmic, horror, investigationTim BannockRulesRules (Alternate) DungeonPolitikdrama, fantasyTim BannockRules + Character File Eberron Prime: Hammerheadsdisaster, fantasyMournful LeperRules Exalted: Blood and Firesuperhero, wuxiaJeremy Puckett (blackwingedheaven)Rules Exalted: Blood and Fire - Nocturnals Supplementsuperhero, wuxiajosh_from_accountingRules ExilessuperheroangilleRules Fullmetal Alchemist Primealternate history, anime, fantasyjosh_from_accountingRules Galacta Ratsfantasy, science fictionLynn JonesRules Giant Corporate Owned Comics Heroic Role-playingsuperherojosh_from_accountingRules Here There Be Monstersfantasy, urbanKiller ShrikeRules + Setting Heroic Fantasy (Cortex Plus Heroic)fanatasyKiller ShrikeRules High School Apocalpysecomedy, post apocalypseJR PawleyRules, Setting + Character File Harry Potter - Histories of HogwartsfantasytehddyRules + Character File Iron Maiden Legacy of the Beastheavy metalLegoMechRules, Setting + Character File Jedivilledrama, space operaMiriam RobernPathways Kaijupocaplyse AcademymechaflynnRules + Setting Mage: the Ascension Primed By Cortexgothic horror, urban fantasyRhinemannRules Magical Trinket Adventurescartoon, fantasyjosh_from_accountingRules + Setting MCU Heroic RoleplayingsuperheroJeremy ForbingRules My Alien Girlfriendanime, romantic comedyjosh_from_accountingRules My Hero Academia Primesuperherojosh_from_accountingRules Mythikal FantasyfantasyangilleRules New Horizonsfantasy, modernJachraRules Paranoia Primescience fictionTim Bannock (inspired by Tapiochre)Rules Pirates of the Caribbean: The Seven Seasfantasy, adventurestrongbad1985, sheets by RutabagaDirectRules + Character File Power Rangers Primetokusatsu, superhero, mechajosh_from_accountingRulesRules - Layout Version RIP THE SYSTEM!!!dystopian, cyberpunkMournful LeperRules + Setting Rwyn: Eternal Nightdark, fantasyEdward Wilson (Xenuite)Rules + Character File Sanction: Together as Familyfantasy, modernJachraRules + Setting Set the Controls for the H.E.A.R.T of the Sunanime, retro, science fiction, holidayMournful LeperRules Shadowrunurban fantasyangilleRules ShuffleanyangilleRules Smallship Troopervillescience fictionMiriam RobernRules + Character Files Sonic the Hedgehog - Mobius Prime 1efurry, videogamesjosh_from_accountingRules Sonic the Hedgehog - Mobius Prime 2efurry, videogamesjosh_from_accountingRules Star Trek - Prime Directive (tim bannock version)hopeful, science fictionTim BannockRulesCharacter Files Star Trek: Mercuryscience fictionangilleRules Star Trek: To Boldly Goscience fiction, space operaJeremy ForbingRules Star Wars - Prime Datafilespace operaTim BannockCharacter Files Star Wars -- Crossroadsspace operaToferCRules Star Wars Character Creationspace operasxyblkmnRules Star Wars Cortex Primespace operaJeremy Forbing (with Jim Mason)Rules Star Wars Heroic Roleplayingspace operaRafael FerreiraRules Star Wars: A Fistful of Creditsspace operadeadpanbobCharacter File Storm RiderssteampunkMellie DoucetteRules + Setting Super Simple Superhero HacksuperheroTim BannockRules Sword & Sorcery Heroic Roleplayingfantasy, sword & sorceryDainXBRules & Character Files: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3Threats, and an Adventure Swordmaidens of Solsticeurban fantasy, animeSnorbRules The Adepthigh fantasyRhinemannRules, Setting + Character File The Dark CrystalfantasyangilleRules The Jade Thronefantasy, mass combatJachraRules + Setting The Magiciansportal fantasy, urban fantasyJeremy ForbingRules The Legend of Zelda - Heart of the EarthfantasyangilleCharacter Files The Light and the Stormsupernatural, survivalWil HuttonRules + SettingCharacter Files The Men Who Livedcyberpunk, science fiction, urban fantasyjosh_from_accountingRules + Setting The Treasure of Hothscience fictionMiriam RobernRules + Character Files This Wasn't The "Magical Life Changing Adventure" I Was Expectingfantasy, isekaijosh_from_accountingRules + Setting Tianxia Primewuxiajosh_from_accountingRules Tourbillonpsychedelic, weirdangilleRules + Setting Vampire: The Masquerade Cortex Conversionhorror, urban fantasyLateStageInfernalismRulesCharacter File Vampire: The Masquerade in Cortex Primehorror, urban fantasyJeremy ForbingRules Vampire: the Requiemhorror, urban fantasyJeremy ForbingRules Vimaryville - Tribe 8post apocalypse, pscyhedelicMiriam RobernCharacter Files Werewolf the Apocalypse to MHRhorror, urban fantasyJeremy ForbingRulesCharacter File Whiskey, Grits, n' Demon Spittlescience fiction, spy, weird, wild westangilleRules + Setting Wild Hunt Prime 1eanime dark, fantasy, superherojosh_from_accountingRules, Setting + Character File Wild Hunt Prime Pre-Releaseanime dark, fantasy, superherojosh_from_accountingRules, Setting + Character File Wings of FirefantasyGreg HowardRules + Character File